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The Music Department
Austin Peay State University

Your musical home!

The Austin Peay State University Department of Music has a welcoming atmosphere where innovative, motivated and talented students can thrive and develop their musical skills.


APSU Department of Music

The Department of Music fosters collaboration among students in a musically stimulating environment. 


Undergraduate students come from across Tennessee and beyond while graduate students are from across the country and internationally.


Regardless of your background, you will become an integral member of a vibrant department.

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Large Ensembles


The ensembles at APSU are recognized throughout the region as being top notch.  From the Governors Own Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and University orchestra, there are opportunities for you to be part of these musically rewarding groups.


The Wind Ensemble is the top 45 instrumentalists in the department.  Recognized throughout the southeast, the wind ensemble gives a variety of concerts and frequently tours.

The Governors Own Marching Band (GOMB) is made of up 170+ musicians from across the university.  Students receive a stipend and perform at football games.      

The University Orchestra gives four full-length concerts annually.  The final “concert” is a performance of fully-staged opera.

APSU Wind Ensemble
APSU University Orchestra
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APSU Concert Hall
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Your capstone performance is your senior recital.  To prepare for this moment, you will give a number of smaller performances from studio class, to recital hour, to level performances. 


These take place in our exciting performance spaces from the 650 seat Mabry hall to the 100 seat Heydel Hall. 


They all make flutists sound awesome.

At the APSU Department of Music, you will receive focused and personal instruction from our dedicated and celebrated faculty
who know how to prepare students for careers in music.  

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